After suffering a progressive worsening of symptoms for several years, I decided to prove once and for all to see if there a natural cure for fibroids that I could try before going to what he considers the treatment of last resort a hysterectomy. br When I visited my doctor about my abdominal enlargement, fibroids were never even mentioned. In fact, he advised me that he had incompetent abdominal fat and should diet! Although I admit to being a little overweight, obesity and wasn't looking back now, the fact that I had fibroids should have been obvious. I suffered from anemia and shortness of breath and my periods were really heavy. I also had problems with painful intercourse (though not yet say that at the time). br By the time my fibroids were diagnosed by ultrasound examination revealed he had a fibroid that was the size of a small melon, an orangesized series of ones and several smaller groups. In fact, the radiologist said that my stomach was like 7 months pregnant. Because they were so great, I got no real treatment option. I couldnt go for procedures that simply cutting the fibroids or the fibroids were reduced by blocking individual blood vessels and cut off the blood supply. br strong hormonal therapy to block estrogen is recommended to temporarily reduce fibroids followed by a hysterectomy about 3 months later, depending on the success of treatment. At that point I asked if there was a natural cure for fibroids, but the type of doctor shook my request, saying that a hysterectomy is the best option and what he's concerned, he had only heard anecdotal evidence and could not recommend a natural way to remove uterine fibroids. br had serious reservations about the surgery. First, I was worried about having such an important operation in such a long time to recover. I am also concerned that I would really through early menopause because although the doctor promised to keep my ovaries if possible, the possibility existed that would have to be removed and the body blows of the removal of the uterus can sometimes cause menopause. Finally, I was worried about taking the drug therapy to reduce the size of fibroids prior to surgery saferapparently these drugs can only be taken for a short time and actually cause a temporary menopause with all the symptoms partners, such as hot flashes, drying, thinning of vaginal tissues, facial wrinkles and longterm osteoporosis. br One thing that gave me hope was the fact that fibroids were not hazardous. As horrible as the symptoms were, I knew they were not cancerous and it gave me time to think. When I was told I had fibroids, I began to investigate a little and had come through a system designed to be a natural remedy for fibroids. Although he had been skeptical, now face surgery, I decided to take a closer look. br There are very few doctors who specialize in ways to eliminate uterine fibroids naturally and tend to have very long waiting lists and can be very expensive because they have such high demand. I found a doctor who had their own practice, which had achieved great success in helping women to use a natural remedy for fibroids. It has been so successful that it has developed a system to download that women can use to treat their fibroids own, with the support of the free online help if necessary. br To me it was really a nobrainer, I decided that hysterectomy is a possibility, but before committing to it, wanted to give this a try. I thought I had absolutely nothing to lose, as with fibroids, I had the luxury of being able to prove without the cloud of, say a terminal illness hanging over her head. Of course, my symptoms of fibroids are unbearable at times, but I thought I could live with them a little more if this natural treatment for fibroids work. br What surprised me was the fact that the treatment had a bit of work! It really is not good if you are after a quick repair. With a natural cure for fibroids must be reasonably motivated and take charge of their own treatment and were not prepared to deviate from the recommendations for best results. Honestly, I would say if they are unwilling to put in the effort, since not even bother. To me, that included quite extensive in diet and lifestyle that they were a pain at times. However, a few months down the line and I can say now that it was all worth it. br At first I thought it was all a bit of a waste of time, had plenty of doubts. However, within a few days, I began to realize that the swelling in the abdomen was reduced and my periods were lighter. It took about 2 months before I could say I noticed significant changes and, since then, scans have confirmed that my fibroids have shrunk so much that I'm not considering any further treatment. I still have some fibroids, but they are small enough to cause no symptoms at all. br The principles of nature to treat fibroids are based on the fact that in order to reduce them, it is necessary to eliminate the root causes. Now, the identification of the causes can be difficult, because they may be different for each woman and in some cases, there can be no obvious cause. That said, there are a number of factors that predispose women to have fibroids, for example, AfroCaribbean who, being in his thirty or older and overweight. There are also a number of other more subtle factors may also come into play and is equally important to take this into account. br A major principle in a natural remedy for fibroids is based on the fact that excess estrogen in the body can promote the growth of fibroids. Sometimes this is natural estrogen and may be because the woman is overweight, if the steps to lose weight can also result in a shrinkage of the fibroid. For others, it is much natural estrogen that causes the problems, but estrogenlike substances that accumulate in the liver, which are present in everyday pollutants and pesticides that can cause problems. br In short, we must understand that once you have fibroids, there is no quick fix. Even if you decide that surgery to remove the fibroids individual is the right treatment for you, you probably need to take hormone therapy to shrink fibroids for months before surgery and must take into account the side effects of this, including hot flashes, thinning of vaginal tissues, the facial skin aging and osteoporosis. Then once you have surgery, it could take a good couple of weeks before it returns to normal, then within months, the fibroids can grow again (with the obvious exception of hysterectomy which recovery is months). So allinall, you're probably looking within 6 months, with no guarantee of success. br What tends to tell women is that before considering such a radical treatment, expensive and potentially painful is that they consider to look at a natural cure for fibroids. A complete and systematic that you can try it totally risk free. It is fully guaranteed to work, but I always give a word of warning. br If you are the type of person who is not willing to invest time and effort in their own treatment, then this will not work. There is no magic pill you can take to remove uterine fibroids. However, if you are willing to follow the guidelines, this will reduce your fibroids. The good news is that although fibroids can take a few weeks to begin to significantly decrease the time it is still much lower than the beginning to the end of surgery. And you can start removing some of the symptoms of fibroids in a few days. br br