Uterine fibroids are very common, affecting 1 in 5 women. This article discusses the different types of fibroids, causes, symptoms, and laser techniques for treatment. br womb.Subserosal intramural fibroids are more common in the wall of fibroids outside the uterus and can also be connected to the matrix in the stems. They can be quite large.Submucosal fibroids are found in the muscle under the lining of the wall fibroids are womb.Cervical neck cervix.Fibroids vary in size from a peasized up to 20 cm wide. It may also be a mixture of sizes. Donrsquo grow slowly and spread t for other body parts because they are locked in a fibrous capsule. br factors The exact cause of fibroids is unknown, but some are linked to them. That occur during their reproductive years because of high levels of hormones in the body. Estrogens may cause to increase in size, especially during pregnancy when levels are five times above normal. Shrink during menopause, when estrogen levels are low. Ethnicity is also a link that is common among AfroCaribbean women. Many women donrsquo br, T the warning symptoms and can live comfortably with them knowing that they shrink during menopause. However, if you are very large or are in an awkward position (in the bladder or cervix) that may cause the following problems and should be treated: Heavy BR, pain and swelling periodsAnaemiaBloating the abdomenLower back pain and / or painsNeeding leg to urinate or constipatedFinding regular penetrative sex painfulRecurrent problems with the design of miscarriage, and pregnancyThey collected during a routine gynecological exam and can be confirmed by ultrasound. br br br br