Uterine fibroids HEALTH CENTERHow know if you have uterine fibroids It is often outside their doctor during a routine pelvic examination. You can get an ultrasound to see that they are present. To see if the fibroid is in the lining of the uterus, a saline solution can be used with a transvaginal ultrasound to expand the uterine cavity and locate the fibroids. An MRI can also be used to locate the fibroids, a process called mapping.SymptomsSymptoms fibroids may develop slowly over several years or rapidly over several months. Most women with uterine fibroids with mild symptoms or none at all and never need treatment.Uterine the symptoms of fibroids can be a problem for some women. Pain and heavy menstrual bleeding are common symptoms. In some cases, difficulty becoming pregnant is the first sign of trouble unary fibroids.Other symptoms include problems, pelvic pain and pressure, abnormal menstrual bleeding, and difficult or painful bowel movements.Treatment for fibroids varies according to their specific medical situation.You may consider doing nothing if fibroids arent causing problems. Not all fibroids grow. Even large fibroids may cause no symptoms, and most fibroids shrink after menopause. But you must control their growth by having frequent blood tests every 6 months, especially if symptoms such as bleeding or pain.As to my knowledge, there is no known treatment that prevents uterine fibroids. But according to one study, women have more exercise, less likely they are to get uterine fibroids.Here are some treatments you might consider to prevent further growth, to stop or control bleeding in some cases, reduce fibroid size, control or decrease anemia.Hormone medical TherapySome may recommend that you stop taking oral contraceptives or abandon any hormone replacement therapy to help prevent the growth of fibroids, as they provide the body with synthetic estrogens. In some cases, oral contraceptives are prescribed to help control bleeding and anemia of fibroids, although certain forms of the pill may cause fibroids grow.Gonadotropin (GnRH)releasing hormone treatment can be prescribed as a preoperative to shrink fibroids. Receptor modulators This gives women the opportunity, if you have anemia, to stop the bleeding and reduced anemia.Testing is currently underway on other hormonelike drugs called SERMs, or selective estrogen to be reduced fibroids without causing menopausal status. Unlike estrogen and progesterone, these new drugs do not cause the growth of surgically fibroids.If wish to remove your fibroids, you might consider a procedure known as myomectomy. If a woman wants to maintain its fertility as an option, a myomectomy may be recommended over other options such as hysterectomy. Even with myomectomy, however, surgery may contribute to scarring that can cause infertility.Hysterectomy is the only treatment that guarantees a cure for fibroids. A hysterectomy may not be necessary for many women.For more information about fibroids, click the link HERE below.CLICK br br