The menstrual cycle is a constant reminder of our connection with nature and we can reveal both the state of our health and our relationship with ourselves. As society has changed and women's roles have diversified, the woman's body has also adapted. Today, women experience more menstrual cycles because of the tendency of subsequent pregnancy and less. It was not long ago that women became pregnant shortly after her first period and breastfeed their babies up to two years, which meant that there were only a few cycles between pregnancies. br Improve your health with herbs like Shatavari is known for its tone and nutritional action in female reproductive organs, besides being beneficial in promoting fertility should help the removal process. In fact, everyone would benefit from taking the herbs. Visit www.ayurvedacompetitive prices. br As women have gained greater freedom of choice, awareness of the importance of menstruation for emotional and physical health has somehow lost. Few women see periods as a powerful reminder of the latent creativity, but treated as a curse, an inconvenience that must endure monthly. The advertising promotes the use of products that offer the freedom, so life doesn't stop for a period. Women are encouraged to continue as normal instead of listening to subtle changes in mental and emotional through month.Many women experience at some point in their lives, the pain of some type of menstrual difficulties, such as pain backache, irregular periods, severe cramps and vomiting. Many factors contribute to these problems, such as diets that lack the nutritional value, increased exposure to environmental pollutants, exercise, excessive or intense physical and emotional stress. Shatavari Ayurvedic Herb has been used by women during the years conbat the effects of menstruation and menopause. br During menstruation, a large proportion of the toxic wastes that accumulate in the body are emptied. There is some evidence to suggest that this is due to additional cleaning process that women generally live longer than men. These toxins are mobilized during the weeks prior to menstruation and remain stagnant in reproductive tissues, if not expelled, causing localized failures, such as fibroids and cysts. Ensure your menstrual cycle is regular, painless and healthy not only being a woman makes the experience deeper and more enjoyable, but also the best investment in your future health. Menstruating women easily enjoy an easier transition through menopause. br br