One way to reduce uterine fibroids is through the implementation of systemic enzyme supplements. These 5 events are very important to help understand this method. br Systemic enzyme can reduce all types of fibroids because they are made of the same fibrous substances. However, it is necessary to address the condition of estrogen dominance also if you want to speed up the process of contraction. As you know, this hormone plays an important role in the growth of fibroids. br Most patients with fibroid want the result immediately. Unfortunately, that can not be achieved with this therapy. In general, if this works for you, you may notice some improvement in their symptoms within one month, lessfrequent urination, or pressure relief of the bladder. Their uterine fibroids also be reduced during periods of 36 months. To what extent the contraction depends on your health, age, body metabolism, diet, lifestyle, weight, whether or not you control your level of estrogen. br This therapy does not prevent your body grow new fibroids, but reduces uterine fibroids, although only existing. Therefore it is necessary to have the maintenance dose until menopause in order to reduce the size of uterine fibroids begin to grow new ones. br Systemic Enzyme mild blood thinning effect that can give you more bleeding. If you're in one of these conditions, such as anemia, or periods with heavy bleeding, it is suggested that the temporary measures such as reducing the dose, stopping supplementation, or deal with the first question. However, it means you can not eat during menstruation. Most women do not have a problem taking it during menstruation. br This is also not advisable for women who are pregnant or nursing, since these groups have not been clinically tested. br Hope some of these facts will not prevent taking advantage of this enzyme system a new approach to reduce uterine fibroids, because many women have had successful treatment of fibroids using this method. br br