Given the choice, most women would prefer a natural cure for fibroids instead of going through surgical or medical procedures. Unfortunately, few women realize they have a choice and decide to do nothing at all, or succumb to the surgeons knife. br The fact that fibroids are rarely dangerous or life threatening puts women in a position where they can carefully consider their treatment options and not rush to make decisions that may later regret. Unfortunately, alternative practitioners, however, very few that focus on teaching women how to reduce fibroids and, of course, those around can be very scarce and expensive lawsuit. This may mean that information is scarce. There is little that can be found in this area, except for some anecdotal accounts and other information that is frankly useless. br I can speak from experience here. When I was unbearable suffering the symptoms of a very large, and a series of small fibroids, devoured every piece of information as I really was not willing to undergo a hysterectomy in my thirties. However, I found some information written by a qualified alternative practitioner specializing in a natural cure for fibroids. br After much deliberation, I decided to give it a try. I figured I had nothing to lose really what this or a hysterectomy, with three small children simply could not bear the heavy bleeding, bloating, anemia, and pain during intercourse longer. At first I was overwhelmed by the amount of information I have received and yet, everything made sense. To cut a long story shortit did work for me. But honestly I would say yes requires the commitment and dedication, and although I have seen a decrease in symptoms such as bleeding or pain during the month, took a couple of months before we see a remarkable change in the size of my abdomen. Therefore, this natural cure for fibroids really isn't a quick fix. br based on eliminating the causes of fibroids and use tested methods that are guaranteed to shrink fibroids naturally, this natural cure for fibroids is multifaceted and begins with the assumption that any treatment must attack the problem from several points. Although there is no definite cause of fibroids in most women, it is known that often begin to grow because of the subtle interaction of a number of factors that happen to coincide, sparking fibroids. For example, one of the causes of fibroids are known to excess estrogen, the hormone is produced by and stored in fat cells and reduce excess weight can be a natural and appropriate treatment in some cases. For others, can be affected by estrogenlike substances that may be present in pesticides and certain pollutants and are stored in the liver a way to eliminate this problem is the subject of a good liver detoxification. br was the lack of real help for women with fibroids led Shola Oslo, a specialist in the treatment of uterine fibroid alternative to developing a complete system of 7 steps that is fully guaranteed to shrink fibroids. Her busy clinic left her unable to take on many additional patients but the demand for a natural cure for fibroids was clearly there. As a result, she has helped thousands of women around the world has never known. br Please note, however, this requires to be proactive and take charge of your own healing, making diet and lifestyle changes and follow a systematic program that is not appropriate for women who simply want take a tablet and be healed. This is not possible for fibroids. br For more general information and to learn all about different types of fibroids, the more the different treatments for each, please visit shrink fibroids naturally br br