My age is 38, yes, I still have periods every 21/23 days, which has shorterned of 28 days during the past 3 years, very heavy periods was the reason for me to have ultrasound, and I was the middle of the cycle when doing the ultrasound. Not sure which is the thickness of the walls of the uterus, as didnadvise that. In this scan a fybroid also been shown, therefore, periods of strong and now I have to decide what course of action to be taken to reduce heavy periods (I am also anemic than in the iron now.) I am for a spot in 2 weeks. br Thank you for additional information. The thickening in the uterus and may be perfectly normal, taking into account their age and menstrual status. radiologists often read ultrasound to thickening of the uterine lining, but it is actually quite normal. In the midcycle, the lining is in fact itshickest.If abnormally thick, can be a fibroid that is causing the thick, depending on the location of the fibroid. This could be the submucosa, which means that lies just beneath the lining of the uterus (the endometrium), and this could make it appear thick on the ultrasound.It also be due to a polyp, which grows on the endometrium and is Often the cause of a thick layer. rarely, may also be a uterine cancer or hyperplasia, but at her age is rare.there many solutions to your problem, but first we must begin by obtaining an endometrial biopsy or a tissue sample to DC in the uterus. This excludes a cancer, hyperplasia, or infection. Once done, you may want to get a hysteroscopy, where your doctor look inside your uterus for polyps, fibroids, or other things. he / she may be removed during hysteroscopy. If you do not want any more children, also can discuss with your doctor for ablation, which either eliminate their periods, or are about reducing significantly.If hyperplasia can be treated medically. In fact, an alternative to a surgical solution could be to use birth control pills or progesterone to alleviate or even eliminate their periods, but need to obtain an endometrial sample first.I Hope this helps. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Good luck! Dr. SaulJE br br br br