lacquered, excerpts from the interview Simon Taffler, which was published as an article in the October issue # 39; 08 please read and comment br Excerpts from an interview with Jeremy Sherr, published as an article in the edition April # 39, 08 please read and comment raquo; br Excerpts from an interview with Peter Chappell, published as an article in the edition of # 39, September 08, please read and br comment And now, for cutting my monthly book Looking Back Moving Forward ( This time I chose the inspiring and Peter Chappell tiebreaker rule world famous for his work with AIDS. br I found myself Thursday, 10 February 2005, taking the pipe down to Shepherds Bush, west London, the home of Peter Chappell. I had attended a conference of his few weeks before his new remedies and I was interested in learning more about them and hear his story. He has been practicing as a homeopath since the Renaissance, studied with Thomas Maughan, was a founding member and member of the Society of Homeopaths and has a lot to say! It was an hour just fascinating. br I fell in love with Thomas Maughan, a most amazing man. Of course I had treated him. he gave me sulfur, which gave me a very profound spiritual experience. The remedy I see myself as I was quite ordinary, individual undeveloped thoughts with countless strangers and defects. I recognized a big long list of them and was stripped of all claims and defenses. I saw that was okay as I do. That experience and the process took about ten years. br First, I gave Thomas Morgan, followed by sulfur. Then I gave Natrum Phosphoricum tissue salts and alternate with Kali phos taken three times a day. That was his first prescription and had a routine. he said he did not give the remedy if it could detect, but not until he had worked at other levels first. Basically what I knew about the toxicity and detoxification, so it detoxifies the body first, tuned up, and the person has a better performance. Only then does prescribe a constitutional remedy. he knows that by then anyway, or have a pretty good idea at least. This obviously had many advantages including the suspension needs to be put in right at the start of treatment and in full and to deeply understand the person. br Peter: No, I just wanted to make sure they were ready to remedy. His view was that if you give the remedy when the patient is congested, for example, will not have a big impact because he can not drive through hell. If you really are full of toxins, the remedy will not work properly so routinely prescribed at baseline with the remedies to warm the person up. br was the invention of the combination of both remedies, which are still used by homeopaths in the UK today. In the School of Practical Homeopathy (CPH) talk about Ambra grisea, Anacardium orientale and Argentum in combination as Triple A. In those days would have thought up, so that from the pharmacy Galens, and see what happened. They have become from the folklore, but was really playing around. br he gave me the TripleA once and one of them opened my heart and had a profound effect on me. I would argue for Anacardium orientale, could argue for Argentum and could even argue for Ambra grisea, but one really affected me deeply and never forget. It made me feel very loving, as if my heart had opened and something happened to me. I believe that he named quot; the pill Love # 39, on the basis of my response and that of others. br By the time I was about thirty was beginning to practice and I think it must have been about 1970. I knew nothing really but I thought it gave him the resources to everyone, whether in the power of 200C or 10M as their first prescription because it is what Thomas used to do. It would use a 200C for nosodes intestinal detoxification and resources followed by a polycrest 10M. I started practicing with this system until I found my feet. br PETER: Well, I had the opportunity to study any time, because after two years was dying, he even treated us in pajamas and robe. He had very serious lung cancer, but he would not quit. I took him to see an acupuncturist in the final stages of her cancer and was very impressed. br I liked going out for a day, do not drive at that point. We often went to breakfast at the doctors, a homeopathic pharmacy in Dorset. He liked to go out at seven in the morning from south London, before rush hour and the speed of sixty miles per hour along Highway roads yet to reach the pharmacy Galens to ten in the morning gather their resources instead of having it sent to him. He loved the idea of leaving for a trip and he also gave me driving lessons. Because he was chief of the Druids of England at the time, was very heavyspiritual master station. He had a long white beard and looked like the Druid of Asterix. br When we arrived at Dorchester, the roads were bad and if not overcome, the journey can take us all day. I would overtake on blind curves with only a fraction of a second notice to withdraw. he was teaching me about consciousness, saying: quot; You have half a second and if you take that half second it could be round before they sabenquot, and he could. Only occasionally were going around a blind bend and there would be a tanker truck coming toward us, and I hit the brakes and just would do it again back in time. But those who carried with him had any accidents. br PETER: It is to sharpen our minds. He came from the tradition of the Golden Dawn, the mystical and magical tradition of England really. he knew much and had done a lot of things. He said he had to go down several levels of consciousness before he could make contact with people of my generation as they were nearly wiped out by drugs. Even then he was having a hard time finding anyone to teach anything. Anyway it was my introduction to homeopathy, and I wanted! He also ran in Druid rituals and other classes so only in line and took the whole lot. And while he was alive was absolutely fantastic. He was very good then, but his presence was all that really mattered. br And then, of course, Rajan Sankaran arrived at the scene and was ace for me. He was about thirty years later and was like sitting at the feet of a master. he knew more than me and was impressive there, honestly, he just lapped up. He sat in a room for four days and gave all of Europe difficult cases to treat. Patients would come in and sit and then write the action in a piece of paper, put your foot and give us not to open. Then take the case for an hour and go through it with us, explaining all the items and then open the screw piece of paper and was not the name of the remedy. he had already worked on a minute. He did it routinely, virtually all the time. And he did well and the results filtered out by only comment when the patient entered the door. br was fun in those days. The patient refused to look around, he just heard, and he writes the entries that came in the case of the lateral margins and scribbles on the pages. He had no eye contact and had to warn patients about this. We learned a lot from him, and solve our difficult cases and made it look easy. Obviously, more than twenty years has evolved and each time you write a book that says it's a work in progress, it is. Today his focus is on the patient's gestures, so it is completely different. It has gradually step by step, and in Mumbai, has built a base of people around and all are related to each other. br I've never been to Mumbai, but I think there are a large group of professionals on the same page all work with their methods and get good results. he says that to understand the real person, watch your hand movements and body language, and do not take into account much of what they say. As I understand, if you want to know their unconscious processes, forces more deeply, or how they are actually in a primitive way, has to watch his movements, because sign language came before spoken language. If you look at your hands get the sign language, if you listen to her voice that just got the talk. Obviously, that is a simplistic version of what he does, but also conveys the depth that is now gone. br homeopathy has taken him individually, which I call the simillimum first to peak. If I was practicing now I want to get me to spend some time getting acquainted with the new system Rajan Sankaran, so I was up to date. I would say that is where the energy is, if you want to be the best. Obviously You can learn a lot from Rajan, Jan Scholten, Jeremy Sherr and all sorts of other people who are great teachers. br PETER: Having said that, I think what I discovered is what I call the simillimum second, which is possibly the biggest step forward in homeopathy from Hahnemann. It is like the next step after Hahnemann Because up until now what everyone has actually been doing is refining Hahnemann. However, nobody had any idea about how to treat diseases. It is my conclusion that homeopathy does not treat individual diseases, these people, removes obstacles to the vital energy flowing, which allows the disease to be overcome, but not treat the disease. Now, some very obvious affinities remedies for diseases or certain types of pathology. Aurum metallicum and testicles, succus Sepia and fibroids, but that's because there is a relationship between the individual resources within a person and simillimum disease. br For the first simillimum must meet the person, and I would say you can forget anything in the repertoire that has something to do with pathology because it is in the best of confirmation and the medical field, just mode. You could say that is some evidence that, but basically you need to stick to the person. br In my opinion, all chronic diseases are a unique combination of epidemic diseases. Epidemic diseases exist within the same person for a long period of time, for example, tuberculosis (TB) and live together in Africa Malaria in many people, it is only normal. There is no way you can have only one disease at the same time, everyone has a lot of miasma run all at the same time, it is simply impossible for them there. It's just a question of whether the immune system remains in control or not. But if a person has AIDS or is subject to a huge trauma, the miasma start becoming active, vital force can not keep them under control and that only begin to manifest. br Hahnemann says that if you have any symptoms, you have no disease and no way that this may be true. This is just an ideal. There are many things wrong with what Hahnemann said, but you know he wrote the Organon two hundred years ago, for the love of God, and things have changed. I wrote a book called The Second Similimum and homeopathy have pulled it apart, reform and said what I think about it. I could be totally wrong in some of my formulations, but I had a go at it based on my experience of homeopathy. br What I saw was that things come together in the world of phosphorus by the symbiosis, and in the real world, so do. The turtles are fish swimming with them to keep them clean. Buffalo have birds that sit on them to keep them clean and eat the flies. Symbiosis is worldwide. Within our hearts we have an enormous amount of bacteria that help us eat and snails are some animals in them to help them eat too much and without whom I could not live. I believe that diseases are combinations of the miasma and therefore you can treat diseases such as chronic miasma, you just take all of an illness and find the remedy and prescribed. br Carcinosin is a miasma, is the first example of a cure for the disease. I'm not breaking new here. Donald Foubister Carcinosin said how brilliant era in the treatment of incipient cancer, and is very close. It is bright and sometimes completely curative. I have a case in my book Emotional Healing with Homeopathy, with seven years of follow up, complete healing of cancer is diagnosed based on a dose of Carcinosin. br Peter: Yes, but it should do. Unfortunately, the reason Carcinosin usually does not work is because there must be a hundred different samples are of different types of cancer. Or you could take a Carcinosin normally made of ten people with a common type of cancer that is being worked. You may have testicular cancer or prostate cancer. Ten men with different types of prostate cancer worldwide, all pooled samples simultaneously by an intelligent process and becomes a remedy. Then you have a resource that has a chance. At the moment we have a cure for cancer and clearly does not. If he did then the method has not evolved Ramakrishnan. So I have worked out differently to remedies, it works, and I now have the resources to the miasma and remedies for diseases. br Peter: Well, I treat people, except in Africa, I hope that other people can get tested. It is also more convincing others to do so. Unbelief is a real problem for me with my remdy Africa for AIDS, the PC1 remedy, so it was good that other professionals to patients treated myself and got the same results. So my system seems to work and I have enough results to show that now seems to work through the Board. No results for cancer treatment documented on my website two years followed, but the results is not sufficient by a long way. br PEDRO: My first results are AIDS. Later I started to work on chronic diseases. While not everyone gets a result of the first time you use one of my resources, sometimes get a fantastic result, beyond what we have experienced before. In some cases, professionals have to patients who have been treated for twenty years without a very satisfactory result, one of my resources and have responded very dramatically and successfully. br In another topic, I must say that one of the weaknesses they perceive in homeopathy is that homeopaths are not sufficiently trained, they have not done enough internal, internal training therapy. The world is emotionally illiterate and I think that emotional intelligence in homeopathy is still limited. The results of the critical events of life and emotional trauma often in the way they are looking for individual simillimum and should not give an archetypal simillimum at the time, but a traumatic and often inadequate. Most people return to work well when you have dealt with their trauma. br There is a constitutional model below the trauma that is archetypal and comes from animal, mineral or vegetable and could be a very satisfactory standard of living and not always need treatment. It could be, and it will open much more complete if the standard of living is too restrictive. It is often seen giving the remedy for the pattern of life that the person is open and your energy flows more efficiently. But the traumatic pattern places it on top of that, and I think that homeopaths do not have sufficient training in this area and do not understand themselves enough so they do not understand this. You can not understand others without understanding himself, which is a fact. What is often not recognized is that the miasma trauma if I can say is this is in the path of the archetypal solutions and trauma that needs to be addressed first. Traumas from generation to generation, as I showed in my book Emotional Healing with Homeopathy. It is common and is a key part of the human makeup. br Sexuality is a good example of an area where there is insufficient training. If a group of homeopaths was on a weekend course in the formation of sexuality, I bet on Monday morning when his patients sit in front of them again would be asking questions that have never done before. And you never would have information or answers that have been before, because then it would be much easier with the subject. And that's the same with all these areas. br Another area where homeopathy is relatively undeveloped are belief systems. I realized that there are plenty of resources out there on the quot; realm of belief structures that are unlike anything we've shown before, because they deal with belief structures. You can give really good resources, but their beliefs will not change. All exchange rates of other things, but their beliefs are held. I have developed solutions that work at that level. br My thought process behind this is based on my perception of the spiritual world is the only solid reality, and the rest of it is rolled up our minds and not based in reality. Being in a physical body is a pleasant learning experience, but it is a solid reality. The spirit is what is sound and decided to deploy a body from time to time by a process we have developed. So I started to deploy resources to the belief structures, and a simple but profound example is the fat and hunger. My remedy fat is bright, because there is a belief structure that there is enough food for everyone. That's easy to understand. br ROWENA: So you would not necessarily someone who was overweight, because there are many reasons why people are overweight, only if they have that belief system on your conscience br Peter: I prescribe it when there is an eating disorder associated with not being enough food. But the whole human race has passed through this problem as poverty and malnutrition are epidemic in centuries, not have to go too far back, before people were dying because they were starving in the winter. In a way, is a miasma trauma. They would not be aware of it, is totally unconscious and there is no way you can come to the realization that one. You may recognize that you are fat, but will not know it could be due to a very deep problem. br I hope you enjoyed reading this excerpt from the chapter of Peter to look backward. I would very much welcome a global debate on the issues raised by Peter If you visit the blog on my website,, you can make your contribution and also receive a ten percent discount if you buy the book . For those of you who tried last month to reach the blog, but apologies were unsuccessful. The problems today should have been rectified and I welcome you to try again. Thank you! br br