Menopause, anyone As if No I have enough to deal with in our lives either trying to be women, as PMT, pregnancy, selfesteem issues, aging, thyroid problems, autoimmune diseases, scoliosis, or any illness or stress that are living with, then Indeed, there is more. Bring it on!! Some of us go through it before others, but the average age is 5052. Early or premature menopause is defined as before age 40. So: what exactly quot; Periquot it is the chapter in which (estrogen estrogen) and progesterone begins to decline and fertility is declining. This may begin as early as age 35 in some women and can last for months or years. The last chapter is the time it can be clearly stated that women have not had at all periods of a course of 12 months. List of symptoms of weight gain and body fat excess fluid retention and bloating, depression and increased anxiety Insomnia Hot flashes, excessive sweating and night sweats low thyroid Reduced libido (sexual desire) Osteoporosis Migraine Mood swings Irritability Aggressive behavior Exaggerated symptoms PMT And many more. I personally had night sweats and hot flashes and beyond the age of 36 years, gradually becoming more frequent. Symptoms appear gradually, until last year (around the same time I began thyroid medication), I decided to investigate, because of something I read in the book Shomons Mary Living Well with Hypothyroidism on the thyroid and menopause. At that time I was literally drenching the bed at night and hot flashes during the day too. My sleep pattern was shot to pieces and my periods were so heavy and unpredictable that he could not leave the house, not to mention the deterioration of my mattress! I discovered a cream called Natural Progesterone Cream and did my research before deciding to buy. I've been using for 8 months with good results. 99% of my night sweats are gone. I do not have hot flashes during the day. My mood is much better and selfesteem has increased. My breasts are rarely tender and a variety of aches and pains have diminished, in other words, most menopausal symptoms are completely gone very low. My periods are every 68 weeks instead of every two weeks and the flow is reduced. br The pioneer of this Natural Medicine is Dr. John R. Lee, who investigated the effects of hormones in the patients over a period of 20 years. Dr. Lee was actually a family physician in California and much of his life has been dedicated to a new syndrome called Estrogen Dominance and demonstrate the importance of progesterone in preventing the symptoms earlier menpause and other problems associated with estrogen dominance. Dr Lee died at the age of 74 after completing his mission br Here you can also subscribe to a free newsletter on developments arising from their work. Information on the topic of menopause is critical in providing solutions to help yourself to be okay. John Lee's work provides the solutions and the way forward with menopause. Please refer br This is an information site to support its work and the use of natural progesterone and all the symptoms associated with menopause and offer a free booklet that is full of information. br So what is estrogen dominance Why is so relevant in menopause Dr. Lee spent many years observing his patients and the evidence for hormone levels and bone density levels. This, along with paying real attention to their patients what they were saying, helped him to recognize a new syndrome he called estrogen dominance. Dr. Lee is the author of many books on the subjects of both natural progesterone and menopause and co wrote the book under point a science writer Virginia Hopkins (See my books and resources to buy and links below) What your doctor can not tell you about menopause What your doctor may not tell you about before menopause What your doctor may not tell you about breast cancer His latest book, written with the cooperation of new and completed by Virginia after his death is: Hormone Balance Made Simple These books have been read by millions of women, doctors and researchers. Dr. Lee has saved many lives with his research and saved thousands of women from breast cancer, not to mention the thousands who have been able to lead a better life, while at menopause. Their findings have helped thousands who suffer from PMT and largescale clinical trials are now underway. . Dr. Lee was primarily concerned with synthetic HRT prescription to women at menopause and the effects both this and the synthetic contraceptive pill on women and the risks for women. He also talked about environmental issues related to chemicals that disrupt the system and cause symptoms of estrogen dominance. Affirms that the synthetic hormones must be replaced with bio identical hormones. He was concerned with pharmaceutical companies preference for synthetic hormones that are patentable, while a natural product, obviously, can not. This is more of a concern as patented drugs are more profitable and, as the hormone of prescription sex earn more money than any of these pharmaceutical conglomerates, women S health is being sacrificed. Women in menopause naturally want to reduce the symptoms of menopause brings. If that means that synthetic HRT, then it will be very happy to take it. However, if they could get the same results of a natural bio identical product, as his health would not be sacrificed and menopause would be a gentle and sensitive process of the UN. Why not listen to the doctors Because the product can not be patented because it is natural and therefore not going to make money for pharmaceutical conglomerates. I can vouch for that. I told 2 doctors about natural progesterone cream recently also explains the advantages he had seen, and none of them showed interest, even if they produce brochures for your perusal. I also explained that my symptoms of menopause was reduced by using the cream and night sweats and hot flashes are gone. I would have thought would have been very interested these are the symptoms I found the worst and wish for the night off with sweat and wet blankets. It seemed that they always came around 4am, therefore disturb my sleep. That should get rid of the bedding to cool, then cold and has to have the new bedding and became a vicious cycle of removing the bedding and put it back, many times. I also felt overwhelmed by the waves of heat during the day, especially when you could see in a store or at a social occasion. It is important to ensure that the variety of symptoms are due to menopause or another disease not only to recall some of the symptoms of menopause are identical to the conditions of the thyroid and autoimmune diseases. Surely, it is another thing that doctors don Matter Unlucky me with both thyroid and menstrual problems, which are probably connected together somehow. Thinking about all the symptoms of both, and have no medical training, I can even see a pattern. I know that Hashimoto's can also cause early menopause. Other factors Saliva test is an important way to determine if you have a hormonal balance that must be corrected and these can be purchased by women to try at home and return to the laboratory for analysis. Research has shown that natural progesterone is nature S response to hormone replacement therapy and is ideal for women suffering from PMT and menopausal symptoms. Can be used as early as adolescence and Dr. Lee says that even can be used by women in their 90 # 39; s! My mother is 76 and still have symptoms of estrogen dominance and regularly have night sweats. Natural progesterone protects against breast cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis, and may increase the br and metabolism. It is a natural antidepressant, may reduce inflammation as a result S diuretic effect and may also reduce hot flashes. Also, please note that synthetic progesterone is very different than natural progesterone and is dangerous and toxic, as indeed all synthetic hormones. Progesterone actually has a bad reputation due to the synthetic version is used and this error has an effect on the use of the natural version. What is clear is that the synthetic hormones are toxic, we have developed, but also petrochemicals and chemicals in our food, environment, drinking water, hair dyes, cosmetics and plastics to name but a few have what is called Estrogen effects in our body, the result that is wreaking havoc on our ability hormonal functioning. (See also the effects of these chemicals on my page of the thyroid and its effects on the endocrine system in general are identical) Both the UK and the U.S. are beginning to recognize that the natural product of progesterone is very different from the synthetic hormone that was prescribed and the recognition of its benefits to women. Estrogen is responsible for the change that occurs in girls when they reach puberty. A hormone that stimulates, so when given in excess in its synthetic form, it becomes toxic and the risks associated with more acute. Of course, many women get relief from synthetic HRT. But the hormone safe, natural progesterone can also relieve, since progesterone is necessary for the production of estrogen in the first place. The cream was developed as a transdermal cream that when applied, would be absorbed into the bloodstream much faster and more efficiently than taking it orally in tablet form. 60% of what applies to our skin is actually absorbed by our bodies, so think about that next time you apply your tan or body lotion. Read the ingredient list. You really believe that sodium laureth sulfate, parabens and belong in your body Major conclusions were made in relation to osteoporosis. Doctor Lee S results revealed that after a few months of applying the cream, began to show evidence that bone density of users has increased. This was a surprising finding, because while estrogen can reduce bone loss, natural progesterone was actually reversed. No other substance had been shown to reverse bone loss. Older women who had lost a lot of bone density and had actually suffered fractures were gradually regaining bone density age 35. Although this happened in a number of years was still a real breakthrough. Typical findings in patients of Dr. Lee was an increase in bone density of 10% in the first year, followed by 35% each year and fractures reduced to zero! Other results brought Dr. Lee of his patients were as follows: PMT reduced in patients who were still menstruating fibrocystic breasts began to improve women taking diuretics no longer needed Sick of depression began to feel happy again began to Low thyroid function improve in some women and some normalcy returned to women with fibroids found that these improved to a level where the surgery was not necessary, or even dropped altogether. What else can you help The first port of call should be a good diet, rich in organic foods, especially fruits and vegetables when possible, low in dairy products and meat. If you need to eat meat, make sure it is definitely organic. Supplements are also important. GLA in evening primrose oil or borage oil along with magnesium and zinc, two minerals important to work well together. Also a B complex, especially B6 and niacin B3. While Mexican yam was intended to convert to progesterone has been shown that it is not. However, it is a useful phytoestrogen that helps to block powerful estrogen in the body from attaching to estrogen receptors. A supplement containing a high dose of calcium is also recommended (at least 300 mg daily) Note: If you take thyroid medication for hypothyroidism, be sure to take this at least four hours before or after a calcium supplement as supplement may affect the absorption of thyroid medication. Basically, a good complement of menopause should be taken which includes the above, but add additional supplements like evening primrose, fish oil, EPA and the bone or osteo supplements. Dr. Lee said that many women suffer from estrogen dominance and this can be for many reasons, chemistry, environment, HRT, pill, or of a general lack of progesterone. The use of progesterone cream rebalances symptoms. He adds that although the hormone estrogen is a powerful and necessary supplementation of the same in synthetic form, increases the risk of breast cancer in both the uterus and produces many undesirable symptoms such as: water retention, changes humor, tender swollen breasts, fibrocystic breasts, PMT, depression, loss of sexual appetite, uterine fibroids, craving sweets, heavy and irregular periods, weight gain, especially around the hips and thighs, low thyroid, increased blood clotting, interference with glucose control and reduction of vascular tone. Progesterone opposes these effects: Maintains endometrium Protects fibrocystic breasts become helps burn fat for energy antidepressant Naturally Naturally diuretic Helps normalize thyroid function normalizes the coagulation of the blood that help prevent strokes restores the desire Prevent sexual endometrial cancer stimulates bone density helps prevent breast cancer cream you choose should be bioidentical to natural cream that is free of chemicals and additives of any kind. It is also organic. It makes no USP progesterone to wild yam extract. The cream is transdermal, which means it is absorbed through the skin. The benefit of this is that with oral tablets would have to be processed by the liver and will need 50 X more. The transdermal approach means you need less to receive benefits, and that is absorbed through the bloodstream to hit the receptor sites immediately. Each bottle lasts about a month and contains 2 oz Although it may take up to 3 months before seeing results, some women experience relief in the first week. What are the ingredients The cream contains natural spring water, vegetable stearic acid, sweet almond oil, glycerin, aloe vera, progesterone, grapefruit seed extract and vitamins A, B complex, C, D and E. The progesterone used is 100% natural pharmaceutical grade (Bioidentical) Progesterone. Since I am a user of natural progesterone cream and can confirm that it has worked for me, I'd love to see others benefit the same way and all women to reduce menopausal symptoms. Please read Dr. Lee books on the subject of menopause, Dr. John Lee Hormone Balance Made Simple: The Essential Howto Guide to the symptoms, the dose, timing and more and what your doctor may not tell you (TM): Premenopause: Balance your hormones and your life from thirty to fifty (What your doctor can not say about ...) Also what your doctor can not say about Menopause: The Book of progress in progesterone natural (not what your doctor may tell you about ...) The books are very informative and can help you live a life free of unpleasant and debilitating symptoms that come with menopause, hot flashes, night sweats and dominance effects of estrogens. Some questions have been raised about natural progesterone Women should also take estrogen Dr. John Lee states that in his experience, unless women are changing hormone replacement therapy to natural progesterone, most women do not need to supplement with estrogen, plus progesterone. His recommendation is that menopausal women should try natural progesterone for three to four months before deciding whether it should also be supplemented with estrogen. Estrogens should be used only if symptoms of menopause, like vaginal dryness and hot flashes is not completely controlled by natural progesterone. In moajority cases, estrogen is not necessary. If necessary estrogens, which are best Because estrogen can be toxic, it takes only the smallest amount. Dr. Lee believes that the review of estrogens is the safest method of dose may be controlled by sticking the patch a hole in a patch, so that only part of the patch is in contact with skin. We do not recommend natural progesterone and estrogen creams combined, it is not possible to control the amount of estrogen. � How do women feel the natural progesterone and there side effects Most women feel great. Disappear menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings. Some women experience weight loss especially around the hips and thighs, and water retention is reduced considerably. Cycle of headaches and migraines often related to significantly diminish or disappear. Moods to improve and reduce cravings. There are also reduced breast tenderness and breast cysts may disappear. Increases bone density. This has been demonstrated by the results published by Dr. John Lee in his own clinical trial. However, although most women experience positive results, there are also those who have difficulties, especially at first. Some women should not at all. When a woman is not making its own progesterone, then supplying the same quantities that the ovaries normally supplied should not cause any side effects. However, in the first few weeks of using natural progesterone cream, some women may experience exaggerated symptoms of estrogen dominance such as breast tenderness, depression and mood swings. In general, this happens in the first month in more rare cases, taking a little longer. This is because progesterone makes estrogen receptors more sensitive therefore take estrogen in the body more effective. This is also why a woman on hormone replacement therapy should reduce their intake of estrogen in the middle to start using natural progesterone. Estrogen, of course, have a greater effect. This is most likely to occur when a woman has an accumulation of estrogen due to chemical contaminants, from the Pill or HRT, or because they must produce their own progesterone over a long period of time. Estrogen progesterone normally kept under control. The solution is to use the cream a little more for a while until the balance of estrogen is under control, or use a small amount of cream, then slowly build it. Experimentation may be needed at first as everyone is different. For more important information, please see br Maca can also help with balancing hormones menopause and many women have had good results. You can also increase libido in both men and women. To read more about super, Maca, br br