Emobilization uterine fibroid (UAE) is a minimally invasive procedure designed to reduce fibroids in women diagnosed with fibroids. Instead of surgically removed, the procedure reduces fibroids avoid hysterectomy or myomectomy (removal of fibroids alone) to eliminate symptoms such as pelvic pain and / or heavy bleeding.Although an attractive alternative to hysterectomy to treat fibroids AEU avoids the need to go through the pain after a hysterectomy. because hysterectomy is the cure for fibroids. Fibroids are not definitely return as it will no longer be a place for fibroids grow. Specially trained doctors use imaging techniques to see inside the uterus while guiding a narrow tube through blood vessels. The procedure of the United Arab Emirates then shrinks the fibroid eliminate all of its blood supply. Plastic particles are then injected into the arteries to connect seamlessly blocking blood supply. However, this procedure is not full proof as the possibility that the fibroids to regrow or elsewhere is not diminished by further surgery necessary if they return. AEU actually saves the uterus and reduces the time in hospital and recovery is quite fast.Other options for removing fibroids include hysteroscopy resection, which uses electrical currents to shave the fibroid in the uterus to break into pieces which can then be removed through the vagina. There is some concern in this proceeding that the particles of the pieces can enter other organs and affect them negatively. But for women the procedure which requires no surgery is required for the removal of fibroids and avoidance of hysterectomy. AEU is very effective and it is rare complication and usually results in a slight menstrual bleeding and pressure that causes pelvic pain. The only reported side effects after surgery is nausea, the commission, and some mild cramping for a limited period of time making this the most cost and time effective procedure available today.If you think this procedure could be an attractive option for you, then you should consult your doctor and ask about options with local surgeons. Most hospitals now offer this treatment because of its effectiveness, but some seem stuck in the past. You also need to know if your particular fibroids are operable by this method, since some cases make it too complicated or difficult do.Many women for years have debated the idea that hysterectomy is the only option for women suffering from fibroids what doctors to seek alternative measures. It is important to know that there are other options available, and each must be examined carefully before making a decision to have a hysterectomy. The location, size, number of fibroids and fibroid activity must me one of the determining factors in the decision to treat fibroids. Estrogen feeds the fibroids and is well known that fat tissue produces large amounts of estrogen, additional factors so if you are overweight may need attention in order to make an educated decision. Whatever decision you make is about the treatment of fibroids consider all options before taking someone's word, doctor, or others who try to say hysterectomy is the only option. br br