Friday, October 9, 2009

Daniel Vitalis is a raw foodist, Martial Artist / warrior who has a sacred knowledge has

Daniel Vitalis is a raw foodist, Martial Artist / warrior who has a sacred knowledge has evolved and its relation to water and shares some of his amazing insights. I especially like the way it speaks to our desire to base as mothers to foster excellence in our children! And also how it provides an early view on what really motivates a man to change his way of eating. Only one man could really know! Thanks Daniel! Moreover, it is in the car and asks vegan mothers to stay in our feminine wisdom and reclaim our sovereign right to learn and do what our ancestors have done so far in preparing for childbirth, or the feeding of our children . Daniels grateful recognition of women, nature and basic intelligence of children who are reared Natureeverything said makes perfect sense and is extraordinary in its distinctions. My children have enjoyed their fascinating YouTube videos where mini water vortex tornadoes. I actually bought a cuple of 2 inches from the hardware store to make my own water well, but so far have been unable to locate where to buy 4L glass bottles of water. My husband is very interested in locating a natural source for us where we can gather our own water, and I know this will happen soon. I encourage all moms to read this interview and start thinking of water at least as much as we do with our children FOODS br Daniel, I think your work is exciting and profound. Moreover, their playing style is wonderfully clear, understandable and inspiring. Can you give a brief outline for our readers here in rawmom have an idea about you if you are unfamiliar with their work. br I have had the unique experience of having become involved with this level of nutritional awareness to a relatively young age, half my life ago when I was 15 years old. I spent many years studying all aspects of nutrition and experience that I discovered in myself (with what now feels like a reckless abandon!) For many years before starting to bring my personal philosophy to the forefront as a teacher. br Much of my work in this area was influenced by the chefs and teachers I met in my travels, and more than anything nature has been that has informed my world view. Mainly it was the revelation that the elements of earth, water, air and fire are not only poetic and arcane principles of our ancestors, but very real and life energies that permeate our experience of reality. My work in the raw community as a teacher began with my conscience by bringing a more complete and whole to the water element, and how we can interact with it in a more sacred and alchemy, to deepen our experience of life vibrant and integration the environment. Being a rawfoodist br becomes obvious after a while the food of raw foodist is only the beginning and once that begins in consciousness, opens the passions and ideas on ways seemingly endless. br chemical pollution that affect our land, air and water not to mention the food chain, the mass extinction of species occurring rapidly on the planet today, the climate crisis, corporate greed and psychoticity, a breakdown of all family systems, marriages, education for personal responsibility, true health, being in tune with the Earth and its wisdom, the rape of Mother Nature, all this and more seems to be a symptom of a crisis consciousness. And as we know it could be positively impacted by rawYou will have become the voice for water in our community. Please tell us why water is our mission. br we interact, by accident or intention, with each of the elements of each day. This is by design. For me, food, and in particular the type of food we're talking about, is one way we interact with the Earth element. This is how we feed. The quality of our food that determines the quality of our relationship with Earth, or Earth. br Similarly, each day we interact with water, and that's how hydrate ourselves, or replace our solvent. We are based on organic solvents (which are a liquidbased design). br Just in the same way that our relationship with food reflects our relationship with the Earth, our daily consumption of water determines how we relate to water in general. Not only for the water we drink, but also for the water that covers 2/3rds of the world. br This is important when we look at the current water crisis facing our population. It is really a reflection of the crisis of our own personal water. br You should note that food is only the beginning. We are awakening to the reality that we have been very industrialized and domesticated. Our water comes from a tap or bottle, both in the way our dogs and cats get their water from a plate or tray. br This is really a matter of personal sovereignty, and a matter of awakening to our true power, right, and the majesty of living beings and children of this ecosphere. br our water recovery is the recovery of our consciousness. Recognize this is when the source is. In French the word for spring is the source. Our crisis of conscience as you call it the result of our own disconnection from the Source. The recovery of this connection is the recovery of personal power, dignity and right to free and sovereign existence! br Your blood is made directly from the water you drink. When you drink shared household and chemical treatment of water, this is what your blood is made. This is what you are. When you drink well structured, healthy, living water from the source, this becomes his blood, the blood of the earth. You become an ambassador of water. You talk about the Source. br More than anything, I think the mothers want to know how to create and promote excellence that is inherent to their children. Unfortunately this is not the prerogative of those who believe the determination of our term municipal water treatment. Much of the water from our taps, bottled drinks, food and beverages in a restaurant, and now even bottled waters contain sodium fluoride. This is not, as we were led to believe, good for teeth, and in fact is very harmful. Many experts have determined that sodium fluoride may reduce a child's IQ by up to 20%! Let's put this in perspective. If your child had an IQ of 100, the exposure to tap water can reduce your child's IQ of 80! br Also, in addition to Fluoration teeth and bones (which shows up as discolored spots on the teeth, we've all seen), fluoride also the objectives of the pineal gland, and more than any other tissue in the body! Yes, this gland which is responsible for the production of melatonin, serotonin and other neurotransmitters important, is the same body that yogis refer to as the third eye. The pineal gland becomes literally encrusted with Sodium Fluoride, tightening and reducing their function. br Many people have gone to bottled water, which also has a number of issues that could and probably should be treated. In particular (assuming that bottled water is spring water, not just filtered tap water, which often is) is the bottle itself. br Plastics as a whole tend to show the system of endocrine disrupting molecular arrangements that have come to call Zenoestrogens. These estrogen mimics are coming more and more public awareness, although the media has done its work to minimize the seriousness of the effects. br You see, water is also known as the universal solvent. This is because water has very strong capabilities of solvent. In other words, it dissolves things. We use this to our advantage when we make a tea, the dissolution of the herbs we use in the water. The same applies to plastics, the dissolution of these molecules of plastic Zeno of estrogen in the water inside the bottle, resulting in a plastic tea. This is why you can taste the plastic in water in plastic bottles. br This is leading to an epidemic in our environment and our own bodies that we have considered the contamination of estrogen, endocrine problems in nature that has led to the loss of male secondary sexual characteristics, female endocrine cancers (breast, uterus, ovary, fibroid tumor, etc) and many of the associated emotional states that we have grouped under the premenstrual syndrome, a fancy way of describing the psychological and emotional state that correspond to the hormonal imbalance women. br The men are also conducted, with sperm counts at its lowest point, the male and female bodies are thin or large stomach with the breast tissue. Moreover, effects of prostate and testicular tissues, leading to an increase in cancers of these organs. br These are not easy topics to tackle, since they are not politically correct to talk openly. I think we can all look around and see the obvious, however, much to our pop culture would remain in denial. br This is all rooted in our misuse, and misunderstanding of water, our relationship with water, and our embededness within a matrix, if not global galactic water molecules together. This may sound strange that we have not really been taught to do this way, however, that is, in fact, the obvious conclusion for anyone who has studied the science of water, especially those who have had the courage of this couple thinking in the brains understanding of water rights held by our ancestors. br my personal practice, which has eliminated my concern about the health and safety of the water I drink and I reconnect the old sacred connection Water and Earth, has been to collect my own water from the springs. br I recently launched a project called dedicated to mapping streams throughout North America. It is a vision that I hold firmly to see all who are interested in this idea to be able to easily locate a spring in your area. Please take a second to visit the site, which is still in its early stages, to find a source near you, and to contribute to a dock to the database if you know of one. Dr. Emoto br Masuro did some pioneering work in Japan and wrote about it in messages in water and his other books. His message was popular through the movie " And you do know. Have you thought of getting in contact with Dr. Masuro to collaborate on a project together br I feel deep gratitude for the work he has done, and the influence it has had on me and many others. At this point, we are both ambassadors of water, and they share our message in different but complimentary areas. Perhaps there will come a day where he brings overlay and I together. That would be magic. br What can the average individual living in a city where an apartment building or subdivision do to ensure the safety of your water that used to seem extreme, as the first steps (which could eventually lead to much bolder measures, below) br Before answering that, allow me a moment to set the scene. You see, it's easy for us to get into a mindset that says I am what I eat. There is truth in this, although it is minimal in relation to the statement that I am what I drink. Why So we are optimally around 6575% of water. The part we eat is relatively small compared to the what we drink. We are much less like a car, a solid object that runs on fuel, and much more like a fish tank, a waterbased ecology. We are far, especially in our western world, with respect to how we see ourselves. br We are like an aquarium, an ecosystem that depends largely on the water. If food is needed, like food or fish flakes are required in an aquarium, although much more important for aquatic ecosystem health is the health and water quality. Even the best food is useless if the fish are suspended in the poor water quality. br These fish are the cells and microorganisms that live around you (4 times more of them than you have cells!). They develop high quality, wellstructured water. br So the first step would be to have an honest assessment. To make some real questions and be prepared to answer honestly. Questions like why am I putting so much time on what they eat, not what I'm using as a base solvent, or liquid to run in my tank. br If you are filtered with a carbonblock system, like a Britta or Pur filter may be time to time to get real with yourself. Is this really filter to remove chlorine, or just the taste of chlorine. What about fluoride br Maybe you're using something more serious like a reverse osmosis filter or a distiller. Ask yourself hydrate water really makes me, or what it tastes lifeless and / or recorded br Is there really a plastic filter unit worktop that I can buy that can recreate the Earth's hydrological cycle that is designed to do Just what we believe about human technology and its ability to replicate the functions of a living Earth br If you are choosing now to avoid water that can access source from inside the Earth can be a time to see why. It can also be time to look at ideas about the restructuring of water and use some kind of vortex, if you do it yourself (see my videos to YouTube for more information) or buy a commercial unit do this for you (like the Vitalizer Plus). Ultimately I think there is little in this world supplies as rewarding as real, living water source. br If you have been using bottled water may be time to consider and research the effects of plastic in himself and his children. And because similar patterns free holographic reality, how the effects on us are also affecting the environment itself. Bottled water hurts us and hurts the Earth. This option is becoming less attractive for people everywhere. br There are some exceptions, and although I am very keen on collecting water from the springs, I have seen many great bottled water in glass. This may be a more sustainable and viable option for many people, especially those in urban centers. br not ultimately solve the problems at hand, though a great movement towards a better choice. is a great resource, and delivering glass bottles of 5 gallons of fresh spring water to much of the country. Check them out! Find something similar! br The most exciting thing is that any change towards a better strategy will be accompanied by an increased sense of vitality and consciousness! br In a more personal note, talk to me about sleep, how much you receive, when and how (mattress, floor, interior or exterior, etc.) br One of the things I've heard from many people who choose this path is Since I started eating this way only 4 hours of sleep each night! br I've never had that experience, except when fasting. I like to sleep, and feels it would be better served by making many of them. We are encouraging a culture of love, whether conventional or alternative diet, and most of us use artificial lighting after the sun sets. We are losing touch with our natural circadian rhythm, and most people work schedules prevent them from achieving a full recovery. br br