Friday, October 9, 2009

If you've been looking for a natural cure for fibroids is with pleasure that you have

If you've been looking for a natural cure for fibroids is with pleasure that you have other options than surgery. If you have had fibroids for a while, you may be frustrated with the lack of treatment options that seem available to reduce fibrosis and natural. br Doctors often recommend leaving it alone as fibroids naturally be reduced by the time of menopause. This is all very well if you have smaller fibroids cause few symptoms. For many women, the reality is very different, often unbearable symptoms and degenerative conditions such as bleeding, inflammation, pain during intercourse and bowel and bladder problems become part of everyday life. br If the fibroids leaving alone is not an option, usually surgery is the only option offered. This has serious drawbacks. If the fibroids are very large, you may be offered a hysterectomy. This is a major operation and comes with the inherent risks associated with such major surgery. Moreover, many women are naturally very reluctant to lose her uterus, because even if the ovaries remain, may cause early menopause. There are also psychological problems. br Other surgical options include deleting or groups of fibroids. Now, although this is less invasive than hysterectomy, there are still risks, but the biggest drawback is that fibroids may grow back. The reason is that unless you remove the cause of fibroids often return as quickly as only a few months down the line. br A natural remedy for fibroids to shrink fibroids naturally focus on what might have caused the fibroids in the first place and one of the most common cause is excess estrogen. Estrogen acts as a fuel for fibroids and is manufactured and stored in fat cells. It follows that losing weight if you are overweight, reduce estrogen levels and help shrink fibroids naturally. For other women, being overweight is not estrogen that causes problems. Of certain pollutants and pesticides can mimic estrogen action and they can be stored in the liver and are difficult to remove. A good solid liver detoxification can go a long way toward helping, especially if repeated every month for a period of few months. br Women with inflammatory diseases often find they are prone to fibroids. One way to address this is by diet. Eating foods that have natural antiinflammatory can be very useful, especially if the reference diet is followed by a period of weeks. A food that can be particularly useful is the oatmeal and soup to eat once a day can be beneficial as part of a total cure fibroids. Other foods are useful for including cumin, hops and rosemary. br The lack of a good natural cure for fibroids led Shola Oslo, an alternative practitioner who specializes in teaching women how to reduce fibroids, of course, to develop a complete system of 7 steps that is guaranteed. Her busy clinic left many unable to cope with additional patients, but the demand was clearly there. As a result, she has helped thousands of women around the world who have never met br Please note, however, this requires to be proactive and take charge of your own healing, doing the diet and changes lifestyle and follow a systematic program that is not appropriate for women who simply want to take a tablet and be cured br To view details of their methods, please visit naturally shrink fibroids For more general information and learn all about different types of fibroids, the more the different treatments for each, please visit the natural cure for fibroids br This entry was posted on Saturday, March 21st, 2009, 10:02 am and is filed under Health & Medicine . br You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site. br br