Friday, October 9, 2009

I'm back from my appointment. It took a while to check

I'm back from my appointment. It took a while to check in and a long time to wait to be seen, and after about an hour for the procedure but was finally carried out. Ugh! The first part of the review was a transvaginal ultrasound. The coach is likely that they can see that I have a partially bicornuate uterus and commented about it. Otherwise, it seemed normal in that part of it gained exam.After that started the procedure to fill my uterus with saline solution. That took a while to set up, but not so long to do. Once there they took a pair of 3D ultrasound images, as well as some of the 2D. The news was almost all good no polyps or fibroids, without doubt, a bowshaped uterus (the top or quot; fondoquot; of my uterus is concave instead of convex or not), with a very small partition, Teensy weensy. The doctor said I absolutely would not have to worry because it was so small, and may not even be considered a wall there is a specific period must be before it is defined as such. An arcuate uterus is considered a variation of a normal uterus and should not cause miscarriages, although some studies have found that it is more likely to cause the second trimester.The everything was not too painful, there was no doubt when you cramp injected saline solution (you could tell that my uterus was like, WTH). I was glad that John was there to drive me home, though, because I was shaking like a mouse when it was I (too nervous, cold and tired to hold my legs up). br br