My adventures with the laboratory tests are interesting. It went from worst to best but even the worst was not so bad. The pelvic ultrasound was in itself easy but having to drink all that water, not be allowed to pee and then someone wants to press on your tummy is not so fun. Vaginal ultrasound was ... unexpected ... but not uncomfortable. It was a little cold to get to see the perspective of the organism from that angle. As you can imagine after that mammography was not much deal.As let me say that my results will be sent in the mail. 3 weeks later I'm still waiting. 4 weeks later, my doctor is on vacation so I can not say anything. At the beginning of week 5 I get a call from the lab and want to redo boob ultrasound. But she has no idea why. Gotta love that. I made the appointment for next week before but called a doctor to call me what they were seeking and / or why you need the test track. Have I mentioned recently how much I appreciate the Cobra off this administration pushed through I thought about it every day waiting for the letter to come ... I have to say, the doctor who called me was wonderful. Very informative and very soothing. One of his first sentences was quot; not think it's the c�ncerquot;. This is the kind of direct communication that was looking for. Apparently they have dense breast tissue, and can not really see what they need from a mammogram. he believes there could be a few cysts, but they are quite common and usually not a big deal but want to be sure. Again, I appreciate it. I prefer to come in 5 times to 100% sure that only once for a reliable diagnosis of 85%. Final results I have 2 fibroids outside my uterus, about 12 quot; n�dulosquot, in a tit and a 5 on the other. Fibroids are not playing with Aunt Flo, as they are abroad, so there's no rush to deal with anything there. The quot; n�dulosquot; all look like boring class oh so many people get what is not but I come every 4 months for the next year to do ongoing monitoring to track any growth, movement or shape changes. Once again, thank detail.So level, I can breathe well again now. I get a little extra bulky, but I'm fine. I'm healthy. Not that the whole point:) Br br